Discover timeless beauty through our art gallery

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Open your eyes to the wonders of art


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Highlights from the collections

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Across the UK

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Across the UK

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Virtual tours

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Virtual tours

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Exhibitions and events

Find something new with us

07.06.2020 / London, UK

Exploring the Art of the Renaissance

07.06.2020 / Bali, Indonesia

Immersive Installation: A Journey into Art

07.06.2020 / New York, USA

Photography Through the Ages

07.06.2020 / Tokyo, Japan

The Power of Color: A Visual Exploration

07.06.2020 / Paris, France

Sculpture and Installation Art

Featured event

Contemporary Art: Reflections of the Times

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Explore Our grand Collection

01/ Egyptian Artefacts

The Egyptian Artefact Museum is dedicated to showcasing the country’s rich archaeological heritage. The museum has a large collection of artefacts dating back to the Neolithic, the Bronze  Age

02/ Animal Fossil

These fossils can be found in many different locations around the world, including in Africa, North America, and Europe. Animal fossils are often difficult to identify because they are small and badly damaged.

03/ Ancient Science

Ancient scientists were often able to make significant advances in their field because of  the advances in technology that were made available to them. They were also able to use their knowledge of the natural world to make advances in other fields, such as medicine and engineering.

04/ Death and Memory

From death rituals and customs to the ways in which death has been portrayed in art, the museum offers a unique perspective on the ways that memory and commemoration have shaped our society.

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